
What is the project?
  • The new stadium development is the development of a 16,000 capacity stadium with associated flexible commercial and community spaces, including hotel, retail, restaurant, commercial and health and wellbeing facilities, and gym facilities.
  • The northern part of the building, next to the new plaza, will have a range of retail, restaurant and community spaces, including the Club Shop, Sports Bar/Café and restaurant.
  • The building will be surrounded and complemented by new landscaping and community-focused open public green spaces which will enhance the biodiversity of the site by more than 10%.
What is the Triangle site?
  • The Triangle site is land to the east of Stratfield Brake and west of Oxford Parkway station. It is currently owned by Oxfordshire County Council and a leasing agreement has been secured to provide it to Oxford United, subject to meeting a number of conditions and the approval of a planning application by Cherwell District Council.
How is the project being funded?
  • Oxford United’s new stadium project will be funded through a combination of shareholder equity and longer-term funding sources. Shareholder equity refers to the initial investment made by the owners or shareholders, which they don’t expect to be repaid.
  • The remaining funding needed for the stadium will come from longer-term funding sources. The exact structure of this funding has not been specified.
  • The incremental revenues generated from the new stadium will play a significant role in meeting the repayment obligations for the longer-term funding. As the stadium generates more income through ticket sales, merchandise, and other revenue streams, it will help the club meet its repayment commitments without negatively impacting its ability to invest in the team on the pitch.
How much is the project going to cost?
  • The club anticipates investing over £100 million in the construction of its new home. The club is confident that the money will be raised, with the security of its owners standing behind the club. This is a major private investment in Oxfordshire, providing a new home for the county’s sole professional sports club and a new commercial and community hub for Kidlington and North Oxford.
Who will own the new ground?
  • Oxford United Football Club have agreed a lease agreement for the land and will develop and own the stadium. The club will work with the supporter groups and the community to ensure any new stadium is registered as a protected ‘Asset of Community Value’ under the Localism Act 2011 so that it becomes a long-term community and sporting destination.
What is happening to the Kassam Stadium?
  • It will be for the owners of Kassam stadium to decide, though we understand it may be developed to provide an alternative use.
Why are you leaving the current ground?
  • We need to move from our current home at the Kassam stadium as our licence agreement to play there expires in 2026. We have sought to renew this agreement but it has been confirmed that this will not happen.
We understand that the owners of the Kassam stadium were happy to come to arrangement with you that would let you stay there and also deliver the additional numbers of events and games you stay are vital to the club. Is this true?
  • The Club has had considerable engagement with the owners of the Kassam stadium who have made it clear that there is no prospect of a lease renewal. Given the timeframes involved in creating a new home, we must now proceed with this planning application.
What would the impact of not having a new stadium mean?
  • The club is now in a race against time to open a new stadium by the summer of 2026. If we can’t open by the start of the 2026 season, we will be homeless. Playing out of the county is something none of us want, even for a short while and we can’t contemplate a long-term move away, as it would mean a loss of our name, identity, and heritage.